We often see only what’s directly in front of us, not what's unfolding all around. It’s time to stop looking and start seeing, because better vision means a better life. With a fully digital portfolio built on pioneering technology, Unity® Lenses ensure your patients take in everything life has to offer with unmatched precision and comfort.
On August 15, 2024, VSP Vision announced upcoming changes to its lab network. Learn more>
AN ELITE VISION EXPERIENCEWith the power of three leading vision products, Unity® Via Elite II, SunSync® Elite, and TechShield® Elite, the Unity Elite Suite™ provides superior performance with effortless fitting to deliver an elite experience for your practice and patients.
UNITY VIA ELITE VRTaking the best and making it better. Unity is setting a new standard in lens customization with the introduction of Unity Via Elite VR. Built on the Industry-leading Unity Via Elite II Progressives, this new N Category lens is the first progressive powered by virtual reality.
UNITY IS HERE TO STAYUnity is an industry leader for a reason. Unshaken. Unstoppable. Unbeatable. We deliver innovative first-to-market lens solutions and support for your practice—no ifs, ands, or buts.
LAB PARTNERS IN QUALITYUnity has established detailed production requirements to ensure only the highest quality lenses reach you and your patients. The labs in the nationwide Unity Distributor Lab Network share the Unity commitment to providing the best vision for your patients.
INDUSTRY-LEADING TECHNOLOGYUnity's commitment to pushing the technology envelope is part of a goal that extends beyond delivering better vision to offering a better life.
A LENS FOR EVERYONERegardless of prescription, lifestyle, or frame choice, Unity has a lens for every person and every lifestyle.
ECP SUPPORTFrom education and training opportunities to downloadable dispensing tools, Unity makes it easy to create a differentiated practice experience from pre-visit to checkout.